Mountain Park Church
The audio repository of weekly sermons from MPC, Lake Oswego.
Mountain Park Church
Grand Finale | A Lesson for Elitists
There are so many questions floating around about the second coming of Jesus- when, where, with whom, when, how, when???
Jesus gave His apostles all He knew they needed just after riding into Jerusalem for Passover and His eventual crucifixion. After challenging the assumptions of the religious elites and redirecting the focus of Judaism for His time, he took His followers up on the mount of olives and quietly described the future, preparing them for the worst while giving them His comfort.
We will sit in the temple courts and listen to Jesus call out the Pharisees and Sadducees for their hypocritical judgment of everyone else, then wander out of the city, over the Kidron river and up the mount to listen in as Jesus reveals what we need to know about the Grand Finale.